Friday, 24 October 2008

the naked scientist

i would like to introduce you to Chris, the naked scientist. He is on 702 talk radio every friday morning at 9:30am, and he is the smartest guy alive (i reckon).... I have listened to him for months now and he is never unable to answer any question on any subject.

do yourself a favour- tune in next friday. 92.7FM.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

in my suit

walking past the car guard i noticed something for the first time... a longer look. a more intentional hello. a slight smile. expectation.

i was dressed in my suit about to give a presentation at the university.

the car guard did not know that this was my only suit. the only thing that he knew was the correlation between suits and tips. and so he smiled in the same fashion that pavlov’s dogs drooled.

imagine if i didn’t drive a 1992 jetta CLX?