Saturday, 01 November 2008

if i could only force it

if i could force it i would push as hard as i can
‘till i won

but overcoming by force is overcoming but half
because the force i would use is the force that uses me

and force yields no power
in the arena i’m in

it is good so- lest i try and lose again
i’m left with my pen

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


to taste the feeling is to know the reflection
of another heart that joins yours to beat

to know that bitterness overcomes the sweetest

to think i ate off a paper plate
a take away
i take only regret away with me

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Book Review: To Own a Dragon (Donald Miller)

It has been some time since a book left me in tears. Real, constant tears that dripped the duration of the last 5 chapters.

The book if for guys. It is a look at lessons that the author has learnt growing up without a father. Initially I was negatively predisposed to the book because this whole ‘fatherless generation’ thing seems to have almost become a fashion subject since John Elderage wrote ‘Wild at Heart’. And I loathe fashionable Christians.

If there is one thing that I have come to appreciate more than anything in a book, indeed in any spoken interaction, it is sincerity. An honest account. I think that is something that sets the Bible apart. The Bible is raw in it’s recollections of failure, sin, holiness and perfection. It is a kaleidoscope of brutal shame mixed with brutal perfection, never lacking in colour. Never short on sincerity.

I have just finished a book by an author who is fast becoming one of my favourites: a man named Donald Miller. As I read about his walk with God and the lessons he has learnt along the way I get the distinct knowing that this guy is for real. He is legit. He talks from knowing. And when he doesn’t know, then he talks with me, as a quester rather than a teacher.

Miller makes me feel like I don’t have to make the mistakes he has made. His lessons are my lessons. I don’t have to sell my character for nine dollars. I don’t have to be lazy first to know that work is a gift. I don’t have to wonder about my manhood ‘cos Don reckons that a penis qualifies you- period. His search has been my find.

The book I have just read is a book full of real wisdom. Knowlege is the information that feeds thoughts. Very different to knowledge, wisdom is the insight that feeds actions.

Sure, the tears dripped. It was an engrossing and powerfully intimate read. But the book was not entertainment. I’m called to difficult action with the 98% chance of failing on my first day. At least I have a friend along for the journey...


“all leaders read- there are almost no exceptions.“ - Donald Miller (you are probably guessing that I’m reading a Donald Miller book at the moment... quite right you are. Review will follow...)

The average American person (are Americans people?) watches 1456 hours of television per year but only reads three books. So if it is true that readers are leaders, and the more you read the further you advance, then there isn’t a lot of competition. (that’s also from Don Miller, except the part in brackets of course...)

left alone

“I don’t believe the sinful nature can be summed up easily, but i know part of it means a person left alone doesn’t grow or get strong, not emotionally anyway...”
- Donald Miller

Community is important. Friends are important. People who are not your friends are important. Because people are the real currency of life. And in giving of ourselves to those around us we gain perspective of what lies central to living: relationships.

Something happened this last week that really got me thinking about people, and my attitude toward them. I became an arrogant, mean person to a few people around me who had only even been good to me. I accepted without giving back. For some reason I thought I would be alright on my own. Killing friendships became a ‘whatever’ situation.

Thankfully people are patient. I hope to be the same back.

People are God’s image and if I fail to love them, I fail in my first mandate: to love God.