Saturday, 18 March 2017


once something breaks
you don't have to worry about when it will break

protection of perfection
a waste of time
togetherness is bland
it's the cracks that make us beautiful

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


The pain bled from my eyes
Like a tired river
Trickling into a dam
Even these waters sustain new life

Tuesday, 14 March 2017



Abstract notions from nature's inventions
As natural as breathing

Some far away others so close they won't leave me
Tempted to pay attention to the ones I like the most
The comfortable ones have a certain allure don't they?

I am my brain
All of me is how I think
Perspective is the border
Within which all of life is framed

I must keep fighting to see it correctly
Effort - forceful living
Perpetual striving

I am not my brain
I am defined outside of my mind
Identity given, unimagined
A reality bigger than my own fascinations

Larger than my own fabrications
And completely trustworthy

Peace - a river flows
And here I find my rest