Monday, 28 May 2007


this is my world
this is my opinion
set in my ways
my thoughts criticise
destroying with opinion

then someone disagrees
and then someone has another idea
i can't agree
but i also can't convince them that they're wrong

and i'm left to wonder if it really matters
what is principle?
what is just preference?
what is non-negotiable?
what is not?

and where the blurriness ends the clarity doesn't begin,
and when the clock strikes 12 the hour is still not here,
and when my heart is in chains i realise it's freedom:
to love without faulting
to love the revolting

i am revolting
going against the system
forgetting preferences
remembering acceptance

preferences have killed more than acceptance has protected
love's shield has been tossed and we stand affronted

correction is beautiful
but how much more so is forgetting?

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