Well, this is one of those books that requires an imagination from page one. The author, Mitch Albom, seems to assume a lot of poetic license. I don't know if you are allowed to write in the 4th person but this guy does... to know what I'm talking about you kinda got to read the book. Anyways, i dont want to write a long review, but only to say that this read was easy (i read it in about 3 hours) and at times very emotive. It is a story about a guy who at the end of hope and angry in life and he gets to spend one day with his deceased mother (you feeling the new age vibies?? he he) The day is a day that changes him completely and opens his eyes to the reality that gnaws away the constructs of his perceptions of his parents..
There were times when I was captivated my the authors imagery and the way he presented ideas and at other times found him rather uninspiring. But on the whole it is a book that i would recommend to most people. To anyone that has battled with a relationship with their mother then this is a must-read i reckon. It opens the eyes of children to the heart of a mother.
And that's all i got to say about that really.
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