Sunday, 11 May 2008

God and Music

i got thinking tonight about just how much the concept of MUSIC features within the Word of God, and in the culture of the Israelites. I can hardly get very far in my reading of the Old Testament before I encounter some reference to music, or the use of music within the religious activities of the time. And i guess I figured out for the first time tonight that God must really LOVE music. And I’m not really even meaning worship, (i don’t want to get into that). I’m simply talking about the making of sounds that sound nice together.

I don’t have any scriptures to back that up, it’s just my thought direction...

Perhaps me getting this understanding was so slow due to the fact that there is very little mention of Jesus being anything of a musical type and so because most of my concept of God is derived from New Testament passages, I guess I have just never realised God’s passion for music. There is the one time that Jesus sang... in Mark 14 vs 26. I wonder what he sounded like... man, i would have loved to have listened to God singing. But in general, we don’t see Jesus and a musical type at all... and there is a good chance that he was not- otherwise it might have some up more in scripture.

Anyway, that tangent aside- I truly believe that God enjoys music. That he enjoys it. That he enjoys me when I am enjoying another aspect of his creation- namely music.

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