Friday, 17 August 2007


so i cant remember where exactly i heard this but the phase was: "walk into His mercies". I recall thinking that was a cool idea.

The mercy part we must receive. The walk part we must do. It's a wonderful picture to me of the give and take principle that underpins all relationships. Some take more than they give and today that's me, Lord.

Yet today we are a team. You give, I take. I walk, you lead. I step into your mercy even now and make it my life's ambition to live there.

Thursday, 16 August 2007

wanting something you can ('t) have

So I guess there is only one thing worse than wanting something you can't have: Wanting something you can have.

Bold comment, I know.

The first and only defense of that statement would be: If you want it and it's attainable then the decision is final. Or is it?

The PROBLEM when something is within your reach is that now there is a decision to make. Without possibility there would be no decision. Now there's the obligation to make a decision. The correct one.

One decision will always be more correct than the other. That's what makes one person better at life than another. He chooses better.