Monday, 29 June 2009

when the world was smaller

i used to think more
when it was just me.

when i didn’t know who else knew more, I liked to believe that my thinking was changing the world.
if anything, the world has changed my thinking.

i used to think more
when it was just me.

now i meet people who think better.
they talk faster.
with unmatchable eloquence they describe the cloud i didn’t even notice.
with happy fingers they capture the picture i didn’t see.
they write the poem i didn’t think of.
they sing the song i didn’t write.

so i think in my head and not on the page.
i sing in the shower and not on the stage.

it’s nice to hide, to be silent, to dream
to be what i am and not what i seem...

the morning ponder

do we hope even if by hoping we make ourselves able to be disappointed?