Thursday, 26 April 2007

hope and return

a common term for me at varsity is 'risk and return'... the higher the risk, the higher the associated return. it has to be this way to compensate the investor for the degree of added risk involved. I haven't thought too much about this but i would reckon the christian equivalent for risk would be hope. Here's why... when investors put their money into stocks they have a certain HOPE for profit.

To say that Christ is my only hope is to make a very absurd statement by the worlds standards. How can Christ be the only hope for the Christian while the non-Christian has shared hope in many different things? It's almost like a share portfolio. It is very unwise to only invest in one share. Even investing in only one industry is very questionable... so surely it seems far more preferable to hope in an array of things here on earth? surely you have more chance of hope paying dividends if you hope in many things??

aah, but that is the deception of this little argument- it is no good to look at risk without looking at associated returns. That is the full picture! Hope in Christ doesn't fail. It leaves the human fully satisfied. And for everyone who has once tasted this hope and had hope satisfied then he will battle to hope in anything other than Christ and the glory of one day spent with him.

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