Monday, 27 August 2007

i see a world pretending

obscure eyes
hurried glances
what is in your soul that your window won't show?
what hurt carry you in the hands of today?

yesterday has closed his fist
but today holds a change for you yet
be it true that you may have to wrestle
be it sure that good things don't come easy

i sit here scribbling
criticising them
prisoners of illusion
those confident cowards

they trample through this palace of illusion
artificial light paying homage to their dark
wondering who is looking at them they pretend
if only they knew that we cared naught anyway

sideways glance, you look my way
and there i am caught looking away
what is it within me that can't hold your gaze?
i'm the same. obscure. caught in the haze

my palace of dreams holds the mare of the night
the dark stallion, strong yet easy to fright
we are all as he: afraid of our strength
we write the summary instead of writing at length

in no hurried terms i will now conclude
these thoughts i think that so sway my mood
they feud within me. each has his own voice
but the choice is mine to escape this noise

this conclusion brief but the argument many:
let your light shine- if you have any.

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