Monday, 09 June 2008

neglect and diverted attention

so, i have had this problem this week where it has felt like something was stuck between my two front teeth and because of this i have tried flossing there numerous times. problem is, because i have been so focussed on getting rid of the disturbance between my these teeth i have not flossed the rest of my mouth for more than week.

and that got me thinking- i wonder if sometimes we are sensitive to a particular battle in our christian lives and we draw battle lines against something in particular, while the enemy gains an advantage on other fronts. for example: you may wage war on the sin of greediness and decide to give more and more of your time and money away only to find that within a few months you think that you have done God a favour or that the money was yours to give in the first place.

and maybe this carries on until one day you need root canal on your molars cos you were distracted by what your two front teeth were looking like.

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